
Fund management

Ladislav Chodák

A manager, entrepreneur and investor who since 1990 has founded or actively participated in the management of more than thirty companies. His expertise lies primarily in the IT sector, engineering, and construction. Since 2010, he has primarily focused on the development and mentoring of companies, investments in technological startups, and development projects. Since 2017, he has served as the chairman of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Brno. He is also a member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University and the Industry Cooperation Council of Masaryk and Mendel Universities. In 2015, he facilitated the establishment of the first private elementary school laboratory in the Czech Republic, Labyrinth. He is also involved in supporting sports such as volleyball and baseball.

Jaroslav Havel

An attorney, founder and managing partner of the law firm HAVEL & PARTNERS. His clients include the largest financial institutions operating in the Czech and Slovak Republics, numerous companies listed in the Fortune 500 or Czech Top 100 rankings, ministries, state-owned enterprises, and private individuals among the most successful and wealthiest people living in the Czech and Slovak Republics. He specializes in banking, finance, commercial law, corporate law, particularly advising on matters concerning top company management, mergers and acquisitions, private equity/venture capital, legal audits, and legal due diligence. Prior to founding the law firm in 2001, he worked for more than six year at several leading local and international law firms in Prague, including the law firm Linklaters. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Charles University in Prague, where he obtained the degree of Mgr. followed by the degree of JUDr.

Vladimír Dlouhý

Throughout his long and successful career, he worked at the Prognostic Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, served as the Deputy Chairman of the first non-communist government after 1989, and until 1992, he was the Czechoslovak Minister of Economy, followed by five years as the Czech Minister of Industry and Trade. After leaving the government, he founded his own consulting company and works for large international corporations. He remains an advisor to the investment bank Goldman Sachs to this day. From 2009 to 2012, he served in the European Advisory Group of the Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund in Washington. From 2009 to 2013, he was a member of the National Economic Council of the government (NERV), and after its re-establishment in 2020, he became a member again. For nine years, he served as the President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce and was also the Vice President of Eurochambres, the European Association of Chambers of Commerce in Brussels. He teaches at the Institute of Economic Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University.

Václav Salač
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Founder and owner of the successful companies Oportys and ZebraStores. Over his 20-year business career, he has gained experience in leadership positions across various sectors, including finance, M&A, energy, manufacturing, real estate, retail, and e-commerce. He has expertise in building organizational structures, managing teams, establishing business units, including export departments, overseeing company reorganizations, and launching startups. He has led and developed various projects abroad, in Europe, Africa, Arab states, Latin America, and Canada. He has executed hundreds of M&A and real estate transactions worth over CZK 20 billion. He studied Law and Legal Science at the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno, where he also obtained an LL.M. in Commercial Law. His economic education comes from studying Banking at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University. In his free time, he serves as the head youth coach and chairman of the TJ Heršpice football club.

David Fogad
Director of Investments and Administration

He has long been involved in the fields of real estate, investments, and financial literacy. He studied Law and Legal Science as well as Law and International Trade at the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno, and completed an MBA program at the University of Economics and Management in Prague. He is a lecturer at the European Centre for Career Education (ECCE) and the Investee project, which focuses on the world of finance and investments in the digital age. In the past, he worked as a project manager at Zlatá Koruna, served as a board member of the investment holding TNI Group, and was the commercial director and supervisory board member of the Českého Bydlení SICAV Fund, the first Czech qualified investor fund focused on rental housing.

Pavel Kudlík
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Throughout his more than twenty-year professional career, he has focused on business economics from various perspectives. He has worked as a partner and managing director of an auditing, tax, and accounting firm, and from 2010 to 2020, he was a certified auditor registered with the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Since 2009, he has been a court-appointed expert in the field of business valuation and securities valuation. Until June 2022, he spent three years as the group CFO helping to build the Vendeavour holding and was a member of the investment committee of the Vendeavour qualified investor fund focused on private equity. In his various professional roles, he has thoroughly analyzed and valued dozens of companies, designed holding structures, proposed and led numerous corporate restructurings, and actively led or participated in many acquisition and divestiture processes of businesses. In recent years, he has focused on modern approaches to financial management of companies. He earned his education in economics at Masaryk University in Brno, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, the University of Economics in Prague, and through the professional education program of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic.

Michal Kľučár
Investment Director for Slovakia

Michal Kľučár brings over 15 years of managerial experience as a top economist to ADAX Invest as an Investment Director. Since 2008, he has been part of an internal team focused on mergers and acquisitions, executing a series of strategic acquisitions that led to the formation of the Energy and Industrial Holding Group (EPH, 2022 EBITDA 4 billion EUR).

Additionally, he has served as a member of senior management in roles such as board member, financial director, and deputy CEO in Slovakia, Poland, and Switzerland, in companies with cumulative EBITDA exceeding 1 billion EUR, mainly in the energy and infrastructure sectors. He is a graduate of the University of Economics in Prague and the Czech Technical University.

Barbora Vávrová
Business development

Director of Strategic Client Care at the law firm HAVEL & PARTNERS, focusing on strategic cooperation with the firm's most significant clients. She provides them with premium concierge services primarily focused on health care. Her expertise stems from close relationships with professionals and extensive experience gained in the fields of diplomacy and managerial psychology. Before joining HAVEL & PARTNERS, she worked for the RP Invest group as the Director of Client Services. She also founded the company Povídej, Poslouchám, which specializes in providing healthcare, tax, acquisition, and IT consulting. Her portfolio also includes assistance in implementing controlling and workflow for companies. She studied diplomacy at the University of International and Public Relations in Prague and earned an MBA in Managerial Psychology from the European School of Business & Management.

Company directors

Zuzana Blažek
CM Trade Via

Jan Holčík

Ondřej Vlach

Pavel Buček
UPS Technology

External Specialists

Ladislav Chodák

Manažer, podnikatel a investor, který od roku 1990 založil nebo se aktivně podílel na chodu více než třiceti firem. Oborově se specializovaly především na IT sektor, strojírenství a stavebnictví. Od roku 2010 se primárně věnuje rozvoji a mentoringu firem, investicím do technologických startupů a developerských projektů. Od roku 2017 působí jako předseda představenstva Regionální hospodářské komory Brno. Je také členem Vědecké rady Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity a Rady pro spolupráci s průmyslem Masarykovy a Mendelovy univerzity. V roce 2015 umožnil vznik první laboratorní soukromé základní školy v České republice Labyrinth. Věnuje se také podpoře sportu (volejbal, baseball).

Jaroslav Havel

Advokát, zakládající společník a řídící partner advokátní kanceláře HAVEL & PARTNERS. K jeho klientům patří největší finanční instituce působící v České a Slovenské republice, řada společností patřících do žebříčku Fortune 500 nebo Czech Top 100, ministerstva, státní podniky i soukromé osoby z řad nejúspěšnějších a nejbohatších lidí žijících v ČR a SR. Specializuje se na oblasti bankovnictví, financí, obchodní právo, právo obchodních společností, zejména pak na poradenství ve věcech týkajících se vrcholového vedení společností, fúze, akvizice, private equity / venture capital, právní audity a právní due diligence. Před založením advokátní kanceláře v roce 2001 pracoval déle než šest let pro několik předních místních i mezinárodních advokátních kanceláří v Praze, včetně právnické firmy Linklaters. Je absolventem Právnické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, kde získal titul Mgr. a následně titul JUDr.

Vladimír Dlouhý

Během své dlouholeté úspěšné kariéry působil v Prognostickém ústavu Československé akademie věd, jako místopředseda první nekomunistické vlády po roce 1989, do roku 1992 československý ministr hospodářství a dalších pět let jako český ministr průmyslu a obchodu. Po odchodu z vlády založil vlastní poradenskou společnost a pracuje pro velké mezinárodní společnosti. Dodnes je poradcem investiční banky Goldman Sachs. V letech 2009-2012 působil v evropské poradenské skupině výkonného ředitele Mezinárodního měnového fondu ve Washingtonu. V letech 2009 – 2013 byl členem Národní ekonomické rady vlády (NERV) a po jejím obnovení v roce 2020 se stal opět jejím členem. Devět let působil jako prezident Hospodářské komory ČR, byl také náměstkem prezidenta Eurochambres, evropského sdružení hospodářských komor v Bruselu. Pedagogicky působí na Institutu ekonomických studií Fakulty sociálních věd Karlovy univerzity.


Expected return

12% p. a.

Recommended investment horizon

5 years

Min. investment with conditions

1 000 000 CZK

Entry fee


ADAX Fond firemního nástupnictví SICAV, a. s., podfond 1
The fund is managed by CODYA investiční společnost a.s.


David Fogad
Director of Investments and Administration

+420 778 042 424

ADAX Fond firemního nástupnictví SICAV, a.s. 
Headquarters: Na Florenci 23, Praha 1

Brno office: Jundrovská 618/31, Brno
Identification Number (IČO): 10735551

Company registered in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Brno, Section B, Insert 8529, on April 7, 2021

Manager and administrator
CODYA investiční společnost, a. s.
+420 513 034 190
+420 739 299 343
Poňava 135/50
664 31 Lelekovice
More information at:

Official advisor to the fund
ADAX Capital Corporation s. r. o.

+420 778 042 424
Na Florenci 1332/23, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha
IČO: 19421818

Shares in business companies owned by ADAX Fond firemního nástupnictví, a.s., acting on behalf of ADAX Fond firemního nástupnictví SICAV, a.s., podfond 1 (sub-fund 1), registered in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Brno, Section B, Insert 8529, on April 7, 2021

This website is intended solely for informational and promotional purposes and is not an offer, solicitation, or recommendation for investment. Before making any investment decision, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the fund’s and sub-fund’s statutes. Investing carries risks that may result in a decrease in the value of the investment and capital loss. The value of investment shares fluctuates over time, and historical sub-fund performance is not an indication or guarantee of future results. Investment in the sub-fund is subject to the risks stated in the fund’s and sub-fund’s statutes. The information contained in this document has been prepared with the utmost care but may be subject to change and updates, and neither the fund nor the manager provides any guarantee regarding its accuracy or completeness. The taxation of the fund is determined by law and may be adjusted in the event of a change in the law. The fund is intended for qualified investors pursuant to Section 272 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on investment companies and investment funds, as amended. If you intend to invest and amount between 1,000,000 CZK and 125,000 EUR, the suitability of such investment for you will be assessed by the manager or administrator of the sub-fund. Before investing, you should carefully consider the investment strategy and risks associated with the investment objectives of the sub-fund, as stated in the statutes or other relevant documents. The key information document (KID) and fund statute are available on the fund’s website.